DPCC report on illegal vehicle dismantling units in Nagli Sakrawati area, Delhi, 17/07/2020
DPCC report on illegal vehicle dismantling units in Nagli Sakrawati area, Delhi, 17/07/2020
Status report of Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) in compliance to the NGT order of March 16, 2020. The matter related to illegal vehicle dismantling units in Nagli Sakrawati area, spewing pollution.
A joint team of officials from Transport Department and DPCC officials inspected the six vehicle scrapping units on June 3, 2020, which were mentioned in the NGT order. Out of the six units, four units were found to be in operation and the activity of dismantling of vehicles was going on. Two units were found non-operational and the premises were vacant.
Closure directions were issued to the four units, which were found operational. To ensure that no such illegal units apart from the six units mentioned in the court order was operating, a comprehensive survey of Nangli Sakrawati area was undertaken by the DPCC on July 10, 2020. Eleven more such illegal vehicle scrapping/dismantling units were identified.
Closure directions were issued to these illegal units identified during the survey. To ensure effective closure of all the fifteen illegal vehicle dismantling units (4 + 11) - a team of officials from DPCC, SDMC, Revenue, Police, DJB and BSES carried out the drive on July 10, 2020.
During the drive, three more such illegal units were identified over and above the 15 units. The report said that all the eighteen units identified in Nangli Sakrawati area were effectively closed and power and water supply disconnected. Show cause notices for levying of environmental compensation in all the eighteen illegal scrapping units have been issued. In addition, prosecution proceedings against the units would be started for violation of provisions under Air Act 1981 Water Act 1974.
Note: The report of July 17, 2020 was uploaded to the NGT site on July 22, 2020