Judgement of the High Court of Gujarat on encroachment caused by the vegetable and fruit vendors, Gora Talavadi, Baroda, 14/10/2013
Judgement of the High Court of Gujarat on encroachment caused by the vegetable and fruit vendors, Gora Talavadi, Baroda, 14/10/2013
Judgement of the High Court of Gujarat on encroachment caused by the vegetable and fruit vendors on 18 meters road near Gorva Talavadi in the area of Baroda under the control of the Baroda Municipal Corporation dated 14/10/2013 in the matter of Hiren Jashbhai Patel Vs Baroda Municipal Corporation.
Original Source: http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/91476280/
Judgement Date:
Monday, October 14, 2013