Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding distilleries causing pollution to river Ganga, Uttar Pradesh, 27/04/2017

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shailesh Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 27/04/2017 regarding distilleries causing pollution to water bodies by extracting groundwater and simultaneously discharging large quantity of effluent/waste water without treatment into river Ganga through river Rapti and Ghaghra, Uttar Pradesh.

NGT directs the distilleries to pay environmental compensation of Rs. 5 lakh each, for polluting the environment, committing breach of terms and conditions of consent orders, failing to install appropriate anti pollution devices in the past and for causing environmental pollution particularly of river Rapti and river Ghaghra, groundwater and also for extracting groundwater without obtaining NOC/permission from CGWA for all these years.

M/S Manakpur Chini Mills (Tehsil Mankapur, District Gonda) is further liable to pay an additional sum of Rs. 5 lakh as environmental compensation and damages, for causing death of animals and birds by release of ammonia gas and polluting the environment.
