Food Safety



Key Areas of Responsibility

1. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Department of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC)

Maintains safety and quality of food and feed products in the country by implementing updated food and feed act and regulations and also responsible for administering the food control programme in Nepal.

Department of Agriculture

Sets Maximum Residue Limits based on codex principles and guidelines for pesticides use in agricultural commodities. Also, screens and standardizes the technologies by doing adoptive rese.

Department of Livestock Services

  • Control and eradicate epidemic animal diseases
  • Apply quality Control system in vet. medicines and vaccines
  • Implement animal quarantine services effectively
  • Activate Slaughterhouse and Meat Inspection Act and assist in the establishment and running of Slaughterhouse by private sectors
  • Control and retain quality in livestock treatment services provided by the private sectors
  • Manage quality Control system for livestock feed and raw materials used in feed.

Food Standardization Board

The major function of the Food Standardisation Board is to make recommendations to the government on the development of, or amendment to standards, taking account of Codex practices, scientific justification and production practices. The Board is chaired by the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and consists of representatives from several ministries, industry and consumer associations.

Central Food Laboratory

The Central Food Laboratory (CFL) is authorised to investigate the quality and safety of food products in accordance with the Food Act and Regulations. The laboratory has the capability to analyse all major food commodities; has facilities for monitoring pesticide residues, heavy metals, mycotoxins; and undertakes microbiological analysis.

Nepal Agriculture Research Council

  • Conduct qualitative agricultural research required for national agricultural policies,
  • Prioritize studies and researches to be conducted,
  • Provide research and consultancy services to the clients,
  • Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the agricultural research activities in Nepal,
  • Document the research activities

National Tea and Coffee Development Board

The Broad function of this board is to promote and strengths Tea and Coffee sector through policy formulation,Technical and managerial Support. Also, to

2. Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Supplies- The main functions of the ministry are: 1) Certification & Promotion relating to standard & metrology; 2) Policies & Programs related to Productivity improvement; 3) Promotion & Protection of Industrial & Commercial Sections; 4) Policy & Implementation on supply of consumable commodities and; 5) Protection of consumer rights & welfare

National Bureau of Standards and Metrology

To work as a secretariat to Nepal Council for Standards (NCS);

  • To assist NCS by formulating draft Standards;
  • To grant the license to use NS Mark (Quality Certification) on industrial products incompliance with relevant Nepal Standards as approved by NCS;
  • To carry out the inspection and supervision activities on industrial production and processes;
  • To carry out necessary surveillance in the market;
  • To provide testing facilities, calibration and laboratory accreditation services;
  • To appoint or designate inspectors;
  • To act as signatory of the agreement with the industry on proper use of license;
  • To renew, suspend or to cancel the license to use NS Mark

3. Ministry of Health and Population

Department of Health Services

Department of Health is the apex government institution responsible for regulating policies and programme for Genetically Modified Foods and Pharmaceuticals.

Nepal Health Research Council

Carries out the intensive research and tests in Water (Microbiological & Chemical Contamination, Sanitation, Water Quality), Pesticides (Biological & Chemical Contamination), Agricultural Safety, Food Safety (Biological & Chemical contamination, Adulteration, Addictives and Preservatives, Quality, Packed Food etc.)

4. Other Institutions

Nepal Academy for Science and Technology

Conduct and promote research in priority areas of science and technology such as Biotechnology.

Federation os Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Provide advisory services to government, lobby as and when required in formulation and execution of business and industry related policies, acts and programmes

Regulatory Framework on Food Safety in Nepal

  1. Food Act 2023 (1966): The Food Act is in the process of amendment, the current version:
  • Bans the production, sale and distribution of substandard, contaminated or hazardous food items (Article 3);
  • Regulates the misbranding of sales by false statement (Article 4);
  • Provides for the detention of food products (Article 4a);
  • Provides for licensing of food establishments (Article 4b);
  • Provides for enforcement and penalties (Articles 5-12), including liabilities for firms and corporate bodies (Article 6);
  • Outlines the power to lay down standards and determine food quality (Article 7);
  • Provides for analysis of food in specified laboratories (Article 8);
  • Establishes the Food Standardisation Board (Article 9);
  • Establishes the Nepalese government as a plaintiff, with authority to hear cases (Article 10);
  • Sets out the process for appeal (Article 12);
  • Provides for research and analysis laboratories (Article 13); and
  • Sets out the functions of the Department of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC) and the Food Standardization Board.
  1. Food Rules 2027 (1970): The Food Rules contains provisions for food additives, contaminants, inspections, licensing and analysis of food. Standards have been developed for 108 food products. It specifically mentions the duties and authority of the inspector to collect samples, the provisions to conduct inspections as a tool to enhance food quality and safety.
  1. The Pesticides Act 1991 and The Pesticides Regulations 1993: It covers basic handling techniques of pesticides. Formulations of national policy on pesticides, fixing the standards of pesticides, licensing, import, sale, transport and distribution of pesticides are generally regulated in this act. Further, under this act, a Pesticides Registration body has been established to carry out the pesticides registration related activities. The importers wishing to market and sell pesticides shall have to submit an application dealing with the use of pesticides, toxicity, the correct use of pesticides for agriculture safety and human health hazard.
  1. The Nepal Standards Act 1980: The functions, duties and powers of the act are as follows:
  • To determine standards in relation to any goods process or services, amend or cancel standards which has been prescribed,
  • To recognise standards prescribed by any local or foreign institution,
  • To grant recognition to any governmental or nongovernmental laboratory for the purpose of determination of standards or tests, or suspend or cancel recognition which has once been granted,
  • Under this act, Nepal Bureau of Standards has been established to issue license for the use of certification marks, to inspect or arrange for inspection in connection with promotion of the standard of any goods, process, or service, and provide technical advice and directives and to renew, suspend and cancel licenses.
