Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding contamination and pollution of River Periyar, Kerala, 14/11/2018

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shibu Manuel, Secretary, Green Action Force Vs Govt. of India & Others dated 14/11/2018 regarding contamination and pollution of River Periyar, Kerala.

Court notes that its Order dated 26/09/2018 had called for remediation of Kuzhikandam Thodu leading to River Periyar. It is stated that the total estimated cost for the proposed remediation project amounts to Rs. 25,92,50,770/- which is to be shared in the ratio of 60:40 i.e. 60% by the State Government and the industries responsible for pollution or individually by the Government and 40% by the Central Government. Also the Counsel appearing for the MOEF&CC, is unable to inform the Court of the present status as regards the payment of the share of the Central Government to the tune of Rs. 10 crores against the estimated cost of Rs. 26 crores which would be the 40% as per the direction of the Tribunal.

National Green Tribunal directs the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) to ensure the entire amount of Rs. 10 crores be deposited with the state government against the project within three weeks in order to enable the project to take off on time. Further KSPCB shall take all steps and measures to ensure that all industries located in the area in question have installed ETPs and are functional.