Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution of river Daman Ganga due to discharge of effluents by industries, Vapi, Gujarat, 28/08/2019

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Aryavart Foundation Vs M/s Vapi Green Enviro Ltd. & Others dated 28/08/2019 regarding pollution of river Daman Ganga and drain Bill Khadi in District Valsad in Gujarat on account of discharge of effluents by industries and CETP in Vapi Industrial Cluster.

The Tribunal had sought information about the units responsible for discharging effluents beyond norms in CETP inlet resulting in CETP outlet not being as per standards. Individual contributors to pollution inlets in the CETP have been listed before the Tribunal by a Joint Committee. It is stated that the effluents of the individual are collected in a common drain. CETP has no opportunity to assess the inlet norms of the individual industries. A list of defaulting industries furnished by the CETP to the GPCB has also been filed.

NGT directs the Joint Committee to take action to ensure compliance of norms of inlet in CETP so as to ensure that inlet and outlet of CETP are as per norms and file compliance report. With regard to the past violations, "compensation as assessed by the Committee in respect of individual units as well as CETP is liable to be recovered as interim compensation on ‘Polluter Pays’ principle. Further action may be taken jointly by GPCB and CPCB."

Further, performance audit should be done with reference to issues such as adequacy with regard to environmental monitoring, efficacy of regulatory setup/mechanisms, staffing both technical and scientific manpower, adequacy of laboratories and scientific equipments, logistics support, competence etc. rather than ranking the States and state-wise reports submitted along with recommendations based on thorough analysis in terms of statutory functions." read the order. CPCB has been asked to devise an appropriate mechanism for the purpose.