Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding Delhi sealing drive, 24/04/2018

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 24/04/2018 regarding Delhi sealing drive. Officiating Chairman of the Central Ground Water Board K.C. Naik has been requested to inform the Court the status of ground water level in 20 points in Delhi from the year 2000 onwards every five years including for the year 2017/2018 to understand whether there has been a depletion of ground water and in which area and to what extent. Amicus curiae brings to the notice of the Apex Court the Order passed by Supreme Court on 27/08/2007 informing that construction is being carried out in unauthorized colonies. Court notes that this is possible as building and other bye-laws do not apply to these unauthorized colonies.

Supreme Court directs that there should not be any further construction in unauthorized colonies including on public land beyond the existing building and other bye-laws. Consequently, all building and construction activity in the unauthorized colonies including on public land is stopped with immediate effect beyond the existing building and other bye-laws applicable to authorized colonies. The concerned authorities will ensure compliance. A Task Force will be constituted to ensure that the orders of the Supreme Court and applicable bye-laws are implemented and encroachments as well as unauthorized constructions are removed.
