Report of the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) to the National Green Tribunal regarding steps taken by the Metro authorities to stop undue wastage of water in Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbai during construction, 10/08/2023

Report of the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) to the National Green Tribunal regarding steps taken by the Metro authorities to stop undue wastage of water in Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbai during construction and later on.

A joint team of the officers of the CGWA, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Metro Rail Corporations of Jaipur, Delhi and Mumbai was constituted to look into the matter.

In Delhi metro projects, water for construction/ operation and maintenance of stations and depots is partly met through tubewells. DMRC has obtained permission for tubewells from Delhi District Advisory Committee. At construction sites, RO Reject water was being used for wheel-wash, dust suppression activities. In case of increased demand in future, STP treated water will be used for such purposes. Rainwater from elevated stations and tracks is diverted to recharge pits on the medians, the report said.

In Jaipur Metro, out of 11 stations 5 have tubewell supply, 5 have both tubewell and PHED supply and 1 has PHED supply only. JMRC had earlier obtained NOC for groundwater extraction from district administration as the city was notified by CGWA. However, JMRC did not obtain NOC from CGWA after notification of MoJS guidelines, which did away with concept of ‘Notified Area’, requiring all groundwater users to obtain NOC from CGWA. JMRC has been advised to obtain NOC from CGWA at the earliest. As regard to RWH system, Rainwater from elevated stations and tracks is diverted to recharge wells on the medians. However, the recharge system is not well maintained. Thefts/ breakage of pipes are also very common.

In Mumbai, entire construction and operational water needs are met with supply from Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), which sources freshwater from surface reservoirs located outside Mumbai. Hence, NOC for groundwater is not required by MMRC and MMRDA. It is observed that the projects visited have been making efforts for minimizing usage as well as to reduce wastage of water. As such, there does not appear any need for remedial measures.

It is observed that the projects visited have been making efforts for minimizing usage as well as to reduce wastage of water. As such, there does not appear any need for remedial measures.