Report on the operation of Dhampur Sugar Mills affecting the health of students in the vicinity, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, 14/01/2020
Report on the operation of Dhampur Sugar Mills affecting the health of students in the vicinity, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, 14/01/2020
Joint inspection report in the matter of OA No. 1007/2019 in the matter of Priyanka Modern Sr. Secondary School Vs Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board & Others. The matter relates to operation of boilers of distillery unit operated by M/s Dhampur Sugar Mills in District Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh affecting the health of the students in the vicinity. The Uttar Pradeh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) and the District Magistrate, Bijnor was directed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to look into the matter and submit a report within a period of one month.
The committee in its report said that to control the emission of bagasse particles from the industry, a green net had been installed towards Priyanka Modern School and 3 water spray guns was also installed for water spraying. At the time of inspection, the water spray gun was found in operation. Regarding the health of students in Priyanka Modern School, Dhampur, Bijnor and the health of villagers near the industry, a letter dated January 14, 2020 was received from CMO Bijnor. According to the letter, health check up of 75 students of Priyanka College of Professional Education, 3010 students of Priyanka Senior Secondary School, Priyanka College of Medical Science & Research Center and 155 villagers had been done.
As per the stack monitoring reports the parameter SPM of the stacks was found within the in prescribed norms, but the value of RSPM at different points within the industrial premises and Priyanka Modern School was found more than the prescribed norms. The main reason of the above limit of RSPM value in ambient air quality was due to handling of bagasse, heavy vehicular movement, fly ash handling in the industry and heavy vehicular traffic on the state Highway-49, near to the school.
The committee recommended among other things, a permanent wall/structure of adequate height and automatic water sprinkler to ensure dust control towards the school and developing a dense green belt of trees towards the school boundary.
Note: The report was uploaded to the NGT site on June 23, 2020