Question raised in Lok Sabha on Contaminated Drinking Water, 10/12/2015

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Contaminated Drinking Water, 10/12/2015. The State departments dealing with rural drinking water supply have reported arsenic, fluoride, iron, salinity, nitrate and heavy/toxic elements in some parts of the country with concentrations above prescribed permissible limits in rural drinking water sources. The heavy/toxic elements being reported from the laboratories set up in the country include Manganese, Copper, Aluminum, Mercury, Uranium, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Selenium and Zinc. The population and number of rural habitations which are yet to be provided safe drinking water and affected with above mentioned contaminants as on 1/4/2012, 1/4/2013, 1/4/2014 and 1/4/2015 are at Annexure- IA, IB, IC and ID. The coverage of water quality affected habitations along with population benefitted reported by States during the last three years and the current year 2015-16 is at Annexure-IIA, IIB, IIC and IID .
