Question raised in Lok Sabha on Contamination of Ground Water, 20/07/2017

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Contamination of Ground Water, 20/07/2017. Ground water quality data generated by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) during various scientific studies and ground water quality monitoring indicates that contamination of ground water in isolated pockets in parts of various States. Contamination is both geo-genic and anthropogenic in nature including due to use of pesticides and fertilizers.
State-wise details of contamination of ground water are given at Annexure-I. National Ground Water Training and Research Institute is conducting block level training under its tier –III training programme for stakeholders, farmers, students, PR institutions, wherein, awareness about groundwater challenges and to prevent groundwater contamination is being provided. Details of such 312 training conducted in last five years in the entire Country and current year (up to June 2017) is given at Annexure-II. Central Government is also encouraging R&D studies to ensure safe ground water. CGWB under Indian National Committee on Ground Water (INCGW) R&D programme is sponsoring Research Project for groundwater. The details of such R&D project undergoing on during last five year and current year are given at Annexure-III.
