Question raised in Lok Sabha on flood prone districts, 06/08/2015

Question raised in Lok Sabha on flood prone districts, 06/08/2015. In 2006, a Committee, headed by Chairman, Ganga Flood Control Commission, Patna had identified a total of 39 districts in the country as flood prone. The details are given at Annex-I. Flood Management being a State subject, the flood control schemes are planned, executed and funded by the State Governments as per their own priority. The Government of India provides support to States in the form of technical advice and financial assistance for management of floods in critical areas. The Government of India has launched a Flood Management Programme (FMP) under State Sector to provide central assistance to the State Governments to undertake the flood management, anti-erosion, anti-sea erosion, drainage development, flood proofing works, etc. in the critical reaches. An outlay of Rs.10,000 crore has been earmarked for the programme for the 12th plan. The State-Wise Works Approved, Completed and Funds Released under Flood Management Programme (FMP) during XI and XII Plan till date are given in Annexure-II.
