Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution Index, 22/11/2016

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution Index, 22/11/2016. The National Air Quality Index (AQI) is the web-based system designed to provide AQI on real time basis considering eight pollutants i.e. Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Lead, Ozone, PM10, PM2.5, Carbon Monoxide and Ammonia for short term (upto 24 hourly) norms as
prescribed in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS-2009).The AQI values and corresponding ambient concentrations (health breakpoints) is enclosed at
Annexure I. The average AQI values for the period of November, 2015 to October, 2016 for 32 cities is enclosed at Annexure II. The associated health impacts of AQI is enclosed at Annexure III.
