Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution by Power Plants, 21/07/2016

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution by Power Plants, 21/07/2016. Carbon di-oxide (CO2) emissions from thermal power plants, State-wise and Year –wise are Annexed. The steps taken for reducing CO2 emissions from thermal power plants include- adoption of more efficient Supercritical Technology for thermal power generation resulting in less specific coal consumption (Kg/KWh) and lower CO2 emissions; phased retirement of in-efficient and old thermal power generation units (capacity of about 4740.64 MW has already been retired as on 30.06.2016); a target of 175 GW capacity from renewable energy sources by 2022; facilitating Public Sector Utilities to replace old inefficient coal based thermal units with supercritical units by formulating a policy on automatic transfer of Coal linkage to more efficient units.
