Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Safe drinking water to villages, 21/12/2015
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Safe drinking water to villages, 21/12/2015
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Safe drinking water to villages, 21/12/2015. Ministry maintains data regarding coverage of habitations with drinking water supply in rural areas of the country in terms of habitations and not in terms of villages.As reported by States / UTs into the online Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) there are no habitations without drinking water facilities. However, there are 63071 habitations in the country as on date where one or more of drinking water sources is contaminated by chemical contaminants like arsenic, fluoride, iron, nitrate and salinity. Some of the rural population inhabiting these areas are not getting clean drinking water. The State wise / UT wise details of partially covered habitations i.e. habitations with service delivery of less than 40 liter per capita per day (LPCD)and details of the habitations which are quality affected are given in the Annexure.