Coffee yield forecasting using climate indices based agrometeorological model in Kerala
Coffee yield forecasting using climate indices based agrometeorological model in Kerala
Climate plays important role in production of coffee. Adequate quantum and timely receipt of blossom rainfall for flowering and subsequent backing showers influence the berry set and yield of coffee. Harvesting of Arabica coffee in Kerala State with humid tropical climate in India is done by December-January and harvesting of Robusta coffee is taken up during January-February. In this paper, attempt was made to develop agrometeorological models to forecast the yield of these two varieties coffee by utilising monthly climate variables from January to December. Long term data from 1991-92 to 2012-13 on coffee yield and weather data from 1991-2012 recorded at Regional Coffee Research Station, Chundale located in Wayanad district of Kerala State was used to develop agrometeorological model.