Emissions from two stroke vehicles and diesel have contributed to the eight fold rise in vehicular pollution in two decades

Bajaj s market share of three wheelers is 80 per cent. What about its share of emissions?

Industrial production threatens to shroud all economic development activities in layers of smog

A ghastly cocktail of industries makes Gujarat hotter than hell

India outstrips Indonesia and Philippines in terms of pollutant load

...only stringent and serious measures can control further rise in pollution

...and ignorance about diseases

California boasts of some of the best regulated and implemented air pollution standards in the world. Vinita Mathur, director of information management of the South Coast Air Quality Management District AQMD , California, spoke to Rajat Banerji in Delhi

Air, water and soil: all have varying amounts of toxic heavy metals. Gradually, they are entering the human body through the food chain. Down To Earth reports on the extent of the problem in India

Heavy metal content in food was found to be above the critical level 20 years ago
