Laws in opposition
Laws in opposition
ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT (ESA): Republican representatives in the K House have circulated the broad concept of the Endangered Species Conservation and Managent Act of 1995. The bill will limit illegal extermination of a species to killing the animal and will not includ habitat destruction. Republical senator from Washington, Sladl Gorton, has introduced the Endangered Species A Reform Amendments of 1995 in the Senate with similar clauses. The Senate has yet to act on it.
CLEAN WATER ACT: Passed by the House in May, this bill will roll back many provisions of the original 1972 act including wetlands delineation, stormwater discharges and pretreatment of waste. The Senate has not yet takeg any action on the bill.
UTAH WILDERNESS HILL: Senators Hatch and Hansen (Utahl have sponsored bills that would open over 1.6 million ha of wilderness in Utah to mining, oil and gas drilling, roa4 building and industrial construction.
TONGASS BILL: Introduced in the Senate, the Alaska Job4 and Communities Protection Act of 1995 instructs the forest service to supply enough timber to keep 2,400 peopil employed all year round. This would make the Tongass the only national forest in the US where jobs are the prq mary reason for managing a forest.
FOREST HEALTH BILL: The Federal Lands Forest Healtq Protection and Restoration Act, introduced by senator Larfy Craig, is expected to come up in September. It is sail to be similar to the "logging without laws" bill because of the measures it employs to increase logging.