Recharge rate in a carbonate rock covered watershed in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India using tritium injection and soil water balance methods
Recharge rate in a carbonate rock covered watershed in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India using tritium injection and soil water balance methods
Groundwater in the carbonate aquifers of the southern Andhra Pradesh, India has approached to stress level as water table has declined due to increasing groundwater draft, low to moderate rainfall, less availability or absence of surface water sources and semi-arid climate. In Kallugotla watershed of Kurnool district, groundwater is overexploited for irrigation and static water level exhibit declining trend. In order to manage the aquifers for sustainable water supply, understanding and accurate assessment of groundwater recharge is necessary. Two approaches, namely soil water balance and injected tritium tracer methods were used to estimate the recharge.