In short

netting laws flouted: Italian fisherfolk continue to flout the European ban on use of driftnets. A recent report points to loopholes in the Italian law as one the main reasons for this. The report demanded urgent action to stop illegal fishing of swordfish and tuna, and to protect cetaceans like whales and dolphins from being trapped and killed by driftnets.

inconvenience paid: Welsh Water, a company supplying water and sewerage facility in the UK, will compensate 37,000 north Wales customers around us $44 next year. This is to make up for energy costs and inconvenience caused to customers who had to boil drinking water to avoid a cryptosporidium outbreak (water-borne parasite). The company says the payout doesn't mean the water supply was to blame for the illness.

another coke ban: The New York University (NYU), has banned the sale and marketing of Coca-Cola products in its campus from December 9, 2005. They have called for an investigation into allegations of human rights abuse made by members of SINALTRAINAL, the national food and beverage workers' union in Coke's bottling plants in Colombia.