This white paper examines the current challenges for clean energy infrastructure and identifies solutions that industrial clusters, transport and logistics industries, and the wider clean energy value chain can jointly explore in order to accelerate its deployment.

The Donkey Sanctuary’s latest report on the skin trade reveals that at least 5.9 million donkeys are now slaughtered every year to meet escalating demand for ejiao, a traditional Chinese remedy, made using their skins. The figure represents The Donkey Sanctuary’s most conservative estimate and is projected to reach 6.7 million by 2027.

Air pollution is the largest environmental threat to human health worldwide. Health professionals and agencies are usually the most trusted voices in their communities, so when they are actively engaged on climate change and air pollution, they can reframe these is sues as questions of public health and help move public opinion and policy.

Colombia can achieve its ambitious climate change goals and provide a better economic future for its people at the same time, a new World Bank Group report says. Through reforms to make its economy more resilient to climate change, the country can rapidly cut carbon emissions and protect its most vulnerable people.

UNICEF Innocenti's Report Card 17 explores how 43 OECD/EU countries are faring in providing healthy environments for children. Beyond children’s immediate environments, over-consumption in some of the world’s richest countries is destroying children’s environments globally. This threatens both children worldwide and future generations.

This second, annual Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All (SDG3 GAP) progress report illustrates how the SDG3 GAP is providing an important, long-term improvement platform for collaboration among 13 agencies in the multilateral system as they support countries on the path towards an equitable and resilient recovery from the

A new report evaluates the state of human rights among Indigenous peoples in five tropical forest countries: Brazil, Colombia, Peru, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Indonesia.

The purpose of this report is to review existing urban freight movement characteristics across nine cities in Argentina, Colombia and India, provide an account of current GHG emissions from urban freight and to evolve strategies to minimize its impact.

Computer-based models are valuable tools for investigating scenarios for aligning near-term actions and policies with long-term goals. Nonexperts who contribute to climate mitigation decision-making need to be able to evaluate these models and recognize that there is no “best” model that answers all policy questions.

Renewable energy auctions in Colombia were designed to complement the country’s electricity market mechanisms, which were insufficient to attract non-hydro renewable energy development on a large scale.
