UNICEF Innocenti's Report Card 17 explores how 43 OECD/EU countries are faring in providing healthy environments for children. Beyond children’s immediate environments, over-consumption in some of the world’s richest countries is destroying children’s environments globally. This threatens both children worldwide and future generations.

In the coming years, Poland will gain access to unprecedented funds for thermal modernization of buildings. Limited monitoring of financial flows in the area of building renovation creates a risk of only partial and inefficient use of this opportunity.

This briefing by the Clean Air Fund follows a YouGov poll that shows at least two-thirds of citizens in diverse locations around the world – Great Britain, India, Nigeria, Poland and Bulgaria – support stricter regulation to tackle air pollution.

A near-term transition from coal appears inevitable, towards zero-coal generation by the mid-2030s. However, Poland could seek to delay such a transition, for example to develop new coal mines and extend coal generation into the 2050s.

Epilepsy in children is the mostfrequent, heterogeneous and difcultto classify chronic neurologic condition with the etiology found in 35–40% of patients.Our aim is to detectthe metabolic diferences between the epileptic children and the children with no neurological abnormalities in orderto defne the metabolic backgroun

BNP Paribas has been one of the world’s largest banking institutions leading the global financial divestment movement.

In southern Poland, municipal police make spot checks on homes where people are illegally burning highly-polluting rubbish

If the world fulfills the pledges made at COP 21 it might be possible to keep the rise of average global temperatures to between 3.3 and 3.8 degrees above 1990 levels, but this may be unattainable.

The required mobilisation of funds for a Paris-compatible development urges for an improved coordination between all of the actors involved in the low-emission transition as well as demands comprehensive knowledge base to address the systemic challenge of financing sustainable economic development.

BERLIN: Climate change is the top security concern in a poll conducted by the Washington-based Pew Research Center, followed by Islamist terrorism and cyber attacks while respondents in a growing n
