Scientists have said they had identified the toxin in a species of mushroom that killed seven people in Japan in recent years.

In an article published in Nature Chemical Biology on Monday, the researchers said they isolated the poisonous compound in the mushroom, Russula subnigricans, and confirmed its toxicity by feeding it to mice.

General Electric unit GE Wind, a maker of wind turbines, expects to return to double-digit growth rates in 2010, after being flat in 2009, the head of GE Wind's German business said on Tuesday.

GE Wind's European business is expected to double this year thanks to the launch of new products, Rainer Broering told Reuters on the sidelines of the Hanover industry fair.

15 Jan 2009

I spent a week at the climate change conference in Poznan, and realized the world is in deep trouble and deeper denial. Worse, the denial is now entirely on the side of action. It is well accepted that climate change is a reality. Scientists say we need to cap temperature increases at 2

Climate change is real and urgent . The atmosphere at Poznan climate change conference is combative and with a difference as the time for postponement is over. Now the warming of climate system is unequivocal and there is need to take deep & drastic emission reduction targets.
