Priscilla Jebaraj

POZNAN: The mood at the United Nations climate change talks here seem to reflect the weather.

Poznan (Poland): With political efforts to tackle global warming advancing slower than a Greenland glacier, schemes for saving Earth

Kevin Watkins

The crucial climate change negotiations in Poznan, Poland, are heading nowhere fast. Charged with producing a plan for cutting carbon emissions, governments have so far produced copious amounts of hot air and little else, with ministers recycling vague promises of future action.

POLAND: An ancient technique of plowing charred plants into the ground to improve the quality of soil may also trap greenhouse gases for thousands of years and forestall global warming, which is being caused by the emission of harmful green house gases, a team of scientists and experts working on this project, said on Friday.

Even as the developed nations are moving at a snail

Simple things like switching off your TV and computers, instead of keeping them on standby, can help save 10% of your electricity bill.

EU environment ministers started a key meeting Thursday as wrangling over pollution trading rights held up a major climate change accord that the EU wants passed at a summit next week.


The time for postponement is over. The time to cut greenhouse gases is now. Or never.

Threat of climate change is real and urgent and know that combating this threat will require deep and drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. The question in Poznan is, how will we re-commit the industrialized world to serious reduction of its
emissions. Poznan must also determine if the world is serious about climate change. We know that the poor are feeling the

CSE asks two questions
- What did the rich countries do to meet Kyoto commitments?
- How do we all share growth and atmosphere equitably?
