CSE's Press Release delivered by Sunita Narian is presented here.

CSE charts an agenda for action in Poznan, calls for tough action to reduce emissions and an agreement based on equity

The document presents following aspects for the UNFCCC poznan meeting:

Bali Action Plan 1(a):

The 14th Conference of Parties (CoP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to be held
December 1-12, 2008, at Poznan in Poland, is a little different from all the CoPs held so far in the 21st century. For the first time since the December 1997 CoP held in Japan, the world is moving to a negotiating mode.

Today, coal is used to produce nearly 40% of the world

Climate change is the number one threat to human development. Yet progress towards limiting global warming to below 2

Following are findings of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in a 2007 report. The scientific findings are meant as a guide for government delegates who will meet in Poznan, Poland, from Dec. 1-12:


As the United Nations readies for a key climate change meeting in Poland next month, a London-based human rights group warns that any new deal on global warming would be seriously compromised if the most vulnerable groups, specifically indigenous peoples, are shut out of the negotiations.

Greenpeace protesters clashed with coal miners at a new opencast mine on Monday in an incident highlighting Poland's environmental dilemma on the eve of a major UN-led conference on climate change.

The western Polish city of Poznan will be the venue for the Dec. 1-12 conference aimed at agreeing a new global climate package to replace the Kyoto protocol which expires in 2012.

Italy, Poland raise fear of economic slowdown EUROPE

Poland's prime minister said on Thursday he believed a deal in December on a European Union climate package had come closer following his talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy on the issue.
