Infection threat from clean hospitals too

even clean hospitals can pass on infections to patients. Health experts around the world are trying to find ways to reduce hospital acquired infections (hais). Despite all the efforts to tackle it, the threat is increasing.

Scientists who took part in the recently held Federation of Infection Societies Conference at the University of Cardiff in the uk said they have identified a new antibiotic-resistant bacterium, Acinetobacter baumannii, in hospitals. Previously, most of such infections were attributed mainly to the methicillin-resistant bacterium Streptomyces aureus (mrsa).

Now, the danger is more pronounced with this infection spreading outside. Strains of mrsa were first reported in the us a decade ago, when the Centers for Disease Control reported four fatal mrsa infections in children.

Two research papers in the December issue of Nature Medicine point out that community-based strains of mrsa are more harmful as they now produce chemicals that are more toxic.

hais cause economic loss to the patients and hospitals (see box: Work load). Many experts say only a comprehensive effort can control such infections; from training the hospital staff on personal cleanliness to sterilizing hospitals.

In India Though India tries to project itself as the hotspot of health tourism, the situation in the country no better. At a conference on hospital infections in February 2007, doctors from the the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh said nearly 30 per cent of the patients in its neurosurgery department contracted various diseases. The patients were observed for 15 months. They have found that emergency and longer surgeries increased the risk of infections.

A recent study by Baxter India, a company that manufactures equipment to reduce infection, goes further. The team studied the air in 13 middle-sized hospitals and found that the average amount of viruses was around 203.5 units per cubic millimetre