CZMAs and coastal environments: two decades of regulating land use change on India's coastline
CZMAs and coastal environments: two decades of regulating land use change on India's coastline
The Centre for Policy Research - Namati Environmental Justice Program has recently completed a three-year-long study, the first of its kind, titled CZMAs and Coastal Environments: Two Decades of Regulating Land Use Change on India's Coastline, analysing the functioning of Coastal Zone Management Authorities (CZMA). Coastal Zone Management Authorities (CZMAs) were first constituted to regulate coastal land use and environments following an order of the Supreme Court (WP 664/1993) to implement the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification. While the CRZ Notification has gone through detailed reviews by eight committees and over 25 amendments, there has been no comprehensive review of the functioning of the CZMAs. This study addresses a critical gap.