Does carbon tax makes sense? assessing global scenario and addressing Indian perspective
Does carbon tax makes sense? assessing global scenario and addressing Indian perspective
Carbon taxes have been frequently advocated as a cost-effective instrument for reducing emissions. However, in the practice of environmental policies, only few countries have implemented taxes based on the carbon content of the energy products. Current circumstances of climate science may permit a reconsideration of direction for existing policy efforts related to global warming issues. This paper presents a plan that provides an achievable path toward a global policy on Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. At the heart of it is a small carbon tax (actually a GHG tax). The proceeds of that tax are to be used strategically to provide stable, long term support of a broad based research and development effort focused on energy sources, energy use, and emission mitigation. Hence, the aim of framing a concept note is to compare the carbon taxation system across nations. The scenario prevailing in different countries is examined and addressed for the Indian structure. Carbon taxes with regard to their competitiveness, distributional and environmental impacts. The evidence shows that carbon taxes may be an interesting policy option and that their main negative impacts may be compensated through the design of the tax and the use of the generated fiscal revenues.