Women and Men in India 2018
Data and Statistics
Women and Men in India 2018
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) in its endeavour to facilitate the policy makers in evolving the best developmental policies has been bringing out the publication “Women and Men in India” on annual basis. The publication portrays the extend of gender inequality and gender discriminations through crucial statistical indicators of socio-economic and demographic relevance. Gender statistics have a crucial role in gender mainstreaming in developmental policies. Gender statistics reflect information on the responsibilities, activities, interests and priorities of women and men and in the manner women and men respond to social, economic and policy changes and also on the role of gender differentiated access to economic resources and decision-making in the process of change. The publication “Women and Men in India” data at State and Central level for various social indicators at disaggregated. The publication includes important indicators as derived from published official data of different Ministries/Department/Organisations. It brings variety of available gender statistics at one place to serve as a unified platform for accessing gender statistics for variety of users.