Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India 2019

The deaths due to accidents have been classified into two broad groups - accidental deaths due to causes attributable to nature and accidental deaths due to causes not attributable to nature. Causes attributable to nature include avalanche, cold and exposure, tornado, earthquake, epidemic, flood, heat stroke, landslide, lightning, torrential rain and other natural causes. Causes not attributable to nature include air crash, collapse of structure, drowning, explosion, falls, fire, sudden deaths, poisoning, traffic accidents and other causes. Details of road accident deaths by causes, place of occurrence, type of road, month of occurrence and by time of occurrence are available in the report. Information on suicides by causes such as bankruptcy, suspected / illicit relation, cancellation / non-settlement of marriage, not having children, illness, death of dear person, dowry dispute, divorce, failure in examination, family problems, property dispute, unemployment and other causes is available in the publication. The publication contains details of professional, educational and social profile of suicide victims. The publication contains details of farmer’s suicides by causes, social status, educational status, etc.