The action plan on climate change, G8 declaration and the Accra climate change meet: points to ponder
The action plan on climate change, G8 declaration and the Accra climate change meet: points to ponder
India, the largest economy of South Asia, has recently announced its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). This is of special significance given the mounting pressure on fast growing economies like India, China and Brazil from the developed countries for a commitment with legally binding obligations. Developed nations want these countries to be more efficient in energy use and forest management, if not in emission cut directly. Therefore, NAPCC is an important step forward towards building a unilateral roadmap to address the issue. It is also an opportunity to make concerted efforts and mainstream climate change concerns in the development process. The paper focuses on a host of issues relating to NAPCC, G8 Declaration on Climate Change, discussions held in Bonn this year on the Working Group on Further Commitments on Kyoto Protocol and on Long-Term Cooperative Action and way forward for Accra Climate Change meet.