ASHWAS: a survey of household water and sanitation Karnataka - 2008-09
ASHWAS: a survey of household water and sanitation Karnataka - 2008-09
The ASHWAS survey is a process of enquiry about the water, sanitation and hygiene situation in rural Karnataka. It has a number of unusual features which distinguish it from more conventional surveys. Firstly, it is a citizen's survey in that it places a high premium on the perceptions of the citizens of rural Karnataka. Secondly, an important objective of the survey is to go beyond mere extraction of information to the development of a layered analytical process to assess the water, sanitation and hygiene situation at gram panchayat (GP), district and state levels. Thirdly, it aims to make the information and findings from the survey available in the form of separate and targeted reports that can be useful to GPs in particular, but also to citizens and the government at
district and state levels. Finally, far from claiming to be the last word on the subject, the objective of the survey and accompanying reports is to begin a wider process of engagement.