Asia-Pacific disaster report 2022 for ESCAP subregions: pathways to adaptation and resilience in South‑East Asia
Asia-Pacific disaster report 2022 for ESCAP subregions: pathways to adaptation and resilience in South‑East Asia
Pathways to Adaptation and Resilience in the South-east Asia takes forward analysis of the Asia Pacific Disaster Report 2021 and demonstrates how the subregion is being affected by various climatological risk parameters, and where new hotspots of exposure and vulnerability to climate-induced, cascading multi-hazard scenarios are being created. The report notes critical solutions and recommends that the subregion implements customized adaptation and resilience pathways with emphasis on risk-informed development policies and investments, technological innovations and subregional cooperation approaches. These measures can accelerate the progress of countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.