Bhutan environment outlook 2012: draft
Bhutan environment outlook 2012: draft
The Bhutan Environment Outlook (BEO) 2012 analyzes the state of the environment, principal environmental impacts, and the motivating forces and pressures for environmental change. The BEO 2012 is a periodic assessment of the environmental conditions and trends of the country and the report aims to: Describe current environmental issues; Build awareness and assist in the effective management of the environment; Provide objective, accurate scientific information about the current conditions and prospects of the country’s environment; Provide vital environmental information for authorities to make informed decisions relating to environmental management in order to support sustainable development; Build an understanding of environmental trends and to identify priority areas where action in respect of environmental management must be taken (including an early warning of potential environmental problems); Report on the progress made towards the implementation of recommendations made in Bhutan Environment Outlook, published in 2008; Provide policy and other responses to environmental deterioration that has occurred; and Make recommendations for strengthening environmental policies, plans and programmes.