Biosafety project report: protecting the consumers right to a healthy environment in the Developing World
Biosafety project report: protecting the consumers right to a healthy environment in the Developing World
This publication reviews relevant aspects of consumer protection in relation to modern biotechnology and its products, and outlines the current status of biosafety issues in developing countries. It provides an overview of the main questions posed in the international debate around the use and commercialisation of GMOs. It analyzes the particular case of GM crops and their impact in the markets and the local environments of developing countries, and explains the institutional and regulatory aspects that are relevant to consumers in relation to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, its implementation at the national level and the development and improvement of national biosafety systems. Finally, through the national reports elaborated by project partners, it gives an overview of the main activities carried out during the project’s implementation and of their impact in the
national contexts of the participating countries.