Chhattisgarh state action plan for climate change
Chhattisgarh state action plan for climate change
Climate change impacts are felt at multiple levels from the global to the local, responses to climate change too need to be at multiple levels, calling for strategic interventions at local, sub-national, national, and global levels. At the global level, India’s contribution to multilateral negotiations in the UNFCCC has been significant and it continues to advocate for effective, cooperative, and equitable global approaches based on the principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities’. At the national level, India has developed the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), 2008, and comprising eight national missions at its core, addressing various sectoral aspects of climate change. The NAPCC seeks to promote understanding of climate change, adaptation, mitigation, energy efficiency and natural resource conservation while pursuing overall economic growth – i.e., measures that promote development objectives which also result in co-benefits for addressing climate change. At the same time, recognising that the impacts of climate change will vary across states, sectors, locations, and populations, and that different approaches will need to be adopted to fit specific sub-national contexts and conditions, all Indian States have been asked to prepare State Action Plans for Climate Change (SAPCCs) in line the NAPCC. It is in this context that the Chhattisgarh State Action Plan (CSAPCC) for Climate Change has been prepared.