Clean technology fund investment plan for India

The Government of India (GoI) proposes to secure additional sources of financing to (i) support its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), and in particular the two missions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to that Plan, namely the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) and the National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) and (ii) to support a number of programs in key sectors, including clean energy generation, enhanced energy access and efficient transmission and distribution, low carbon technologies in the urban sector, promotion of a modal shift for freight transport from road to rail, and financial intermediation. The Investment Plan for CTF identifies both immediate opportunities that can be implemented within the next twelve to eighteen months, and other operations which longer lead times. As a first step, GoI intends to seek $750 m from the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) to support some of the operations identified in this discussion paper. GoI will seek additional sources of funding as and when the financing mechanisms at the global level are set up as per agreed international principles of addressing climate change.
