Coal – energy for sustainable development

This latest report published by the World Coal Association looks at how coal can bring energy access to millions and support economic growth in the developing world. It also provides recommendations necessary to deliver energy access for all.

Access to energy is essential to addressing the problems that cause poverty. Without energy, people cannot access the opportunities provided by the modern world but 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity today. With coal resources existing in many developing countries, coal clearly has a major role to play in providing energy access in the form of coal-fired electricity. The World Coal Association’s (WCA) latest report "Coal – Energy for Sustainable Development" looks at how coal can bring energy access to millions and support economic growth in the developing world.

See Also

Report: World energy outlook 2011.

Report: Survey of energy resources.

Report: India energy book 2012.

Report: Energy statistics 2012.

Report: BP energy outlook 2030.

Opinion: How India is getting gas and coal policy wrong.

Feature: Who's afraid of auctioning coal?

Report: Key world energy statistics 2011.

Report: Power generation from coal - ongoing developments and outlook.
