Cumulative impact & carrying capacity study (CIA&CCS) of Beas sub basin in Himachal Pradesh
Cumulative impact & carrying capacity study (CIA&CCS) of Beas sub basin in Himachal Pradesh
Directorate of Energy, Government of Himachal Pradesh undertook the task of conducting Cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment (CEIA) Study for Beas river basin in Himachal Pradesh with an objective to assess the cumulative impacts of hydropower development in the basin. In the meantime, MoEF&CC has taken over all the river basin/carrying capacity studies being conducted by Central/State agencies and therefore, all reports were submitted directly to MoEF&CC. RS Envirolink Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (RSET), Gurgaon has been awarded the study based on techno-commercial bidding. Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects of Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF&CC) approved the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the study. The study was initiated during February 2016, an inception report was submitted in June 2016 to capture the progress made during first four months of the study period and a Rapid CIA report was submitted in November 2016, which captured progress in first 8 months. The draft report was discussed and appraised in 4th meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee for River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects held on 12th April 2017, wherein a visit to the study area by a sub-committee of EAC was suggested, which was made during April 2018 and post visit the outcome was discussed in EAC meeting during the same month.