Digital technologies for climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific
Digital technologies for climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific
While some countries in the Asia-Pacific region are adapting to climate change, countries with special needs (CSNs) with less resources and capacities face significant challenges implementing adaptation projects. Yet, CSNs are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts, and most in need of adaptation interventions. Despite this urgency to adapt to the changing climate and the promising solutions that digital technologies offer, the interlinkages between the two sectors at the policy level are not clear. In fact, while significant contributions of digital technologies to mitigate climate change have been widely applied across the region, fewer examples can be found for climate adaptation. Comprehensive evaluations of key enablers for using digital technologies to adapt to climate change remain scarce. This working paper addresses this gap by assessing the key enablers and commonalities between different case studies worldwide in the use of digital technologies for climate adaptation. Based on the assessment results, policy recommendations for the advancement of climate adaptation in Asia-Pacific countries, particularly CSNs, are provided.