Elements of a city parking policy

This recent study by Environment Pollution (Prevention & Control) Authority is an effort to improve public understanding of the challenges that parking of vehicles present and the ways parking regulations can be leveraged to restrain traffic in Indian cities.

Global experience bears out that parking management is one of the most powerful instruments to reduce travel by personal vehicles that also influence commuting choices in favour of public transport. Parking management when combined with
appropriately priced parking, limit on parking space and improved access through other modes of transport, it is most effective in stimulating the switch from private cars to alternative modes of transport. There is, therefore, considerable
opportunity in Delhi and other cities of India to develop parking policy as an instrument to decongest, shift commuter choice towards public transport, and discourage car use. This study is an effort to improve public understanding of the challenges that parking of vehicles present and the ways parking regulations can be leveraged to restrain traffic in Indian cities. Parking levers must be applied to influence
transportation choices in cities, decongest, and discourage car use.
