Empowering rural India the RE way: inspiring success stories

This is compendium of 28 success stories different parts of India, of the zeal to bring about change, a determination to surpass barriers in access to energy, and a drive to adopt and promote renewable energy technologies to suit local requirements.

India is home to several innovations and successful examples of providing energy access to the remotest areas of the country. However, the challenge is to ensure that access to modern energy is rapidly scaled up, even while ensuring that access is environmentally, institutionally and financially sustainable. This compendium titled Empowering rural India the RE way: inspiring success stories contains live examples from different parts of the country of the zeal to bring about change, a determination to surpass barriers in access to energy, and a drive to adopt and promote renewable energy technologies to suit local requirements. The 28 success stories presented in this publication illustrate best practices in expanding access to modern energy. It thereby collates knowledge on low-emission technologies, innovative business and delivery models, entrepreneurship, institutional strengthening, and financing.

See Also

Report: India's energy efficiency and renewable energy potential.

Report: e[r] cluster for a smart energy.

Report: Rural electrification with renewable energy.

Report: Renewable energy for rural applications.

Report: Renewable energy in India.

Report: Renewable energy for rural livelihoods.

Report: Taking charge.

Report: Decentralised renewable energy
