Endosulfan industry's dirty war to save its toxic product: Summary of recent events by CSE
As the demand for a ban on endosulfan in India is gaining pitch, the pesticide associations are leaving no opportunity to vilify CSE for saving their US $ 100m market. CSE responds with the facts and a detailed chronology of events.
As the demand for a ban on Endosulfan in India is gaining pitch and Karnataka being the latest state to ban the pesticide, the Pesticide Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India (PMFAI) is going around crying foul. They are leaving no stone unturned to save endosulfan. Press meets across the country and plugged newspaper reports maligning studies that have indicted endosulfan in the past is a desperate attempt to save a US $100 million endosulfan industry.
See Also
Petition: Writ petition filed in the HC of Karnataka by Endosulfan Manufacturers and Formulators Welfare Association.
Feature: Endosulfan – centre in denial.
Notification: Ban on endosulfan in Kerala.
Feature: India holds on to ban.
Events: Chronology of events.
Document: Global and Indian evidence on endosulfan's toxicity.
Document: NHRC's recommendations on endosulfan.
Feature: Lies, damn lies and endosulfan.