Enhancing cooperation: report of the high-level India-EU dialogue

India and Europe need to work together towards restructuring
global political and economic structures, within the context of tackling climate destabilisation. Both India and the member states of the European Union recognise the vital importance of the rule of law in a world that is threatened by lawlessness, and
which will grow steadily more dangerous with climate
destabilisation. Both India and the European Union are facing major concerns over environmental security. Both have evolved political systems that are based upon democratic parliamentary accountability and cultural and religious pluralism. Both accept ethical principles of equity and differentiated responsibilities
in tackling climate change. Both need to tailor their policies to the needs and aspirations of their electorates and, above all, both need to show that their policies are able to create jobs and maintain long term sustainable economic development.
While the High-Level India-EU Dialogue does not concern itself with the detailed negotiations taking place under the process leading to Copenhagen, cooperation in the key field of sustainable development, in particular in the context of climate
destabilisation, is a natural fit for the India-EU partnership.
