Feasibility Study Report & Form-1 Application for Mines in Cluster No. 6 as per approved Cluster Concept for Raniganj Coalfield, Eastern Coalfields Limited


The cluster approach for obtaining environmental clearances for mines in the Raniganj Coalfields of Eastern Coalfields Ltd. and in other old coalfields like Jharia, that were taken over during nationalisation period was discussed between Secretary (Coal) and Secretary, MoEF on 28th February, 2008. It was observed that a large number of such mines, mostly underground mines, existing in the old coalfields of Raniganj and Jharia continue to operate without any environmental clearance from the MoEF. Since the environmental problems being face in these coalfields are of regional nature and not confined to individual mines alone, it was mooted that cluster/groups of such mines may be identified for preparing cluster-wise integrated EIA/EMPs. The approach lays stress on the environmental benefits arising out of clustering of the mines which has been done with the following objectives -
 Integrated efforts by mines for pollution control and monitoring.
 Rationalization of the coal transport system to reduce pollution due to truck movements.
 Effective solid waste management to achieve backfilling of OC voids
 Synchronisation of rehabilitation measures for unstable locations with the Masterplan for Raniganj Coalfields.
 Co-ordinated reclamation works.
 Meaningful CSR activity due to pooling of resources.
 To meet the water requirement of the community from mine water after filtration and treatment.
 Setting up of special environment management and monitoring cell for each defined cluster for meeting the above objectives. This cell will closely interact with the concerned SPCB and Forest Deptt. for achieving set standards.


Cluster No. 6 is located in the western part of Raniganj Coalfield between latitudes 230 38” to 230 43” and longitudes 860 48’’ to 860 58’’ in the Burdwan district of West Bengal. The mines within the cluster are situated towards west of Asansol Township and IISCO, Burnpur.

Burdwan district of West Bengal

Method of Mining

At Dhemomain Incline one bord & pillar development district is being run with 2 nos. of SDL. Fallen coal from old working are being loaded by U/G loaders. One depillaring dist is about to be started. Present production is 130 TPD. At Dhemomain Pit one bord & pillar development district is running with manual loading. Present level of production is 150 TP

