Global bioenergy supply and demand projections for the year 2030
Global bioenergy supply and demand projections for the year 2030
Biomass has an auspicious future in the world’s supply of renewable energy. REmap 2030, the global roadmap developed by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), foresees a major role for modern, sustainable biomass technologies in efforts to double the share of renewables in the energy mix. This working paper, Global Bioenergy Supply and Demand Projections for the Year 2030, examines the potential in different regions and with different technologies for rapid and sustainable scale-up of this vital renewable energy resource. If all the technology options envisaged in the REmap analysis are deployed, biomass use could reach 108 exajoules (EJ) worldwide by 2030, double the current level, and could account for 20% of total primary energy supply and 60% of final renewable energy use.