Goa 2035: vision and road map

The Goa Government has set upon an ambitious yet imperative task of setting a vision- a roadmap for the next 25 years for the all around development and growth of the state. As part of the initiative, a 14 member high power council is set up comprising of eminent personalities, who together constitute the “Goa Golden Jubilee Development Council”. The Goa Golden Jubilee Development Council headed by Dr Raghunath Mashelkar presented the report to Chief Minister, State of Goa on 11 July 2012 . The ‘Goa Vision 2035’ document has recommended closure of all mines extracting ore beyond the permissible limit set under the Environment Clearance (EC). The report stated that licenses of mining firms operating within the sanctuaries, national parks and protected areas should be revoked while also terminating mining leases in the buffer of dams.
