Green Growth Index 2020: measuring performance in achieving SDG targets
Green Growth Index 2020: measuring performance in achieving SDG targets
Green Growth Index is a composite index measuring a country’s performance in achieving sustainability targets including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Paris Climate Agreement, and Aichi Biodiversity Targets for four green growth dimensions – efficient and sustainable resource use, natural capital protection, green economic opportunities, and social inclusion (Acosta et al., 2019a). The Index is the first metric for green growth that explicitly links to sustainable development. In order to make the Index relevant at the national and international level, it has been imperative for GGGI to align the Index with global sustainability goals and targets. This complementary set of internationally accepted targets and related indicators serves as a reliable reference for the Green Growth Index and allows governments to align their pathway to green growth with achieving the SDGs and national climate and biodiversity goals (Acosta et al., 2019b).