Ground water scenario in major cities of India
Ground water scenario in major cities of India
This latest CGWB report on groundwater scenario in 28 major Indian cities describes the status of water supply and demand, groundwater scenario, feasibility of rain water harvesting, groundwater development strategy, etc. with the help of maps.
See Also
Report: Groundwater scenario, 2009-10.
Report: Investment requirements for urban infrastructure services.
Report: Ground water quality in shallow aquifers of India.
Report: Water quality in India, 2009.
Report: Groundwater quality in India-II.
Report: Groundwater quality in India - I.
Report: Ground water management...
Report: Review of ground water resources estimation methodology.
Report: Water & related statistics, 2010.
This report is a consolidation of the urban studies carried out by the Central Ground Water Board and the contents are very pertinent to the theme “Water for Cities-Responding to the Urban Challenge” of World Water Day 2011. The cities are alphabetically arranged in the report. They cover varying ground water scenarios in the country including the highly developed Metros, the hilly region, the coastal cities, the cities taping unconsolidated and hard rock aquifers etc. The report briefly describes administrative setup, status of water supply and demand, ground water scenario, feasibility of rain water harvesting, ground water development strategy etc. along with maps.