Guidelines for declaration of eco-senstive zones around national parks and wildlife sanctuaries
Guidelines for declaration of eco-senstive zones around national parks and wildlife sanctuaries
These are the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests on February 9, 2011 for States and Union territory governments to facilitate declaration of eco-sensitive zones around national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.
In pursuance to the decision taken by the National Board for Wildlife, all the States/Union Territory, Governments were requested for forwarding site specific proposals for declaration of eco-sensitive zones around national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Several reminders in this connection were also sent. Hon’ble Supreme Court had also take note of this decision had directed States/Union Territory, Governments to forward proposals this Ministry. However, only very few states have forwarded proposals in this regard. This Ministry after careful consideration, has therefore, decided to frame guidelines to facilitate the States/Union Territory, Governments to declaration of eco-sensitive zones around national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.